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Dr David Allen, Cardiac & Trauma Surgeon-Retired / Cannabis Activist and Educator, USA

Topic: When Cannabis is legalized, the war on drugs is won! About: The discovery of the Endocannabinoid Signaling System or ECS is the single most important discovery in human history. The science of the ECS will save more lives than the discovery and application of sterile surgical technique. More humans will be saved by manipulation of the ECS than are currently saved by surgical procedures!

Bio: David Allen began his career as a heart surgeon in the state of Mississippi. During the tenure of his practice he offered his services free of charge to those who did not have medical insurance coverage. He spent most of his career as an advocate for healthy living, and as a medical marijuana proponent. In 2008 David moved to California to become an independent medical cannabis physician. Shorty after opening his practice, the local drug task force targeted and arrested Dr. Allen, who served 14 months in a pre trial prison. He was acquitted by jury nullification in 2011. David has retired from his medical practice under duress. He now spends his time educating others on the endocannabinoid signalling system, medical marijuana, and treating PTSD with Psilocybin.

Nimbin MardiGrass Hemposium
Saturday 5 May 2018
Nimbin Town Hall
NSW Australia