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In Search of Preventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression in COVID-19 Gateway Tissues

The observed down-regulation of ACE2 gene expression by several tested extracts of C. sativa is a novel and crucial finding. Our results lay a foundation for further in-depth analysis of the effects of C. sativa on the molecular etiology and pathogenesis of COVID-19, as well as other viral diseases in which viruses use the ACE2 receptor as a molecular gateway. If further confirmed, select high-CBD cannabis extracts can be used to develop prevention strategies directed at lowering or modulating ACE2 levels in high-risk tissues. ACE2 level modulation is of particular importance since it appears to change throughout disease progression, and some studies show that ACE2 is essential for lung function in animal models of SARS. It would also be important to test the effects of C. sativa lines on other receptors involved in SARS-CoV2 entry, as well as for their anti-inflammatory potential.

Bo Wang, Anna Kovalchuk, Dongping Li, Yaroslav Ilnytskyy, Igor Kovalchuck and Olga Kovalchuck Published online 2020 Apr 19. 

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