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CBD & Gastric Cancer

Here we take a look at the available research and anecdotal evidence supporting the use of CBD against gastric cancer.

Pre-clinical evidence

Two in vitro studies published in 2019 show cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in gastric cancer with no effect on normal healthy cells.

Anecdotal Evidence

Phil was diagnosed with advanced, HER2-positive, stage IV gastric cancer in late 2021. In addition to herceptin, cisplatin, and xeloda, Phil took high dose CBD oil. Phil and his wife Kim were recently interviewed by “Hope For Stomach Cancer”

It’s worth mentioning that in addition to my doctor-prescribed treatments, I was using high-dose CBD on the side to help manage my symptoms. I had great success with this. I feel like some of the miraculous improvements we saw can be attributed to using CBD. 

Phil Lago, Interview with Hope For Stomach Cancer

Phil was diagnosed in late October 2021 and started taking CBD at the end of November 2021. In March of 2022 Phil had another endoscopy with amazing results.

Phil takes approximately 200mg of high potency CBD 3 times daily.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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